Throughout my youth and early office career my health was, to be quite frank, real shit. I was overweight, had terrible skin, was sweating from walking stairs and felt like the only thing I ever wanted was to lose some damn weight and look good without a T-Shirt.
So I spend year after year trying different diets, shortcuts and approaches to get myself together. Eventually, it clicked. It turns out, it isn’t all that hard. And anyone can do it once you stop chasing trends and focus on the basics. At the age of 28 I quit my corporate job in order to make health and fitness my main profession after turning my own life around over the course of 1.5 years.
Now I understand not everyone has to be an athlete. I actually do not recommend it, as health and peak performance are hard to combine. Luckily the majority of people don’t want to break records. They just want to look and feel good in their body.
And that, I made my mission. The theory behind being healthy, feeling great and looking great can be very confusing. The practice however needs to be simple. Otherwise it will not work long term. I tried to make the practice as easy as possible for you as well. But you have to do some work. If you’re not willing to actually change something and try something, stop reading, close this page and go back to doing what you did so far. If not, let’s get started.